Prepare for Next Year's Festival: 12 - 21 June 2025


Sunday, 19th June 2022


4:00 pm


Meet at the Festival Marquee YO51 9EP

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Beneath the quiet streets and fields of Aldborough lies the Roman town of Isurium Brigantum. Constructed as the capital of the Brigantes tribe, the town developed around trade and administration. The church of St Andrew’s is constructed in the middle of the Roman forum, the bustling heart of the town.

Archaeological investigations at Aldborough continue, with the Aldborough Roman Town Project (University of Cambridge) carrying out excavations. Led by Dr Rose Ferraby and Professor Martin Millett, the project aims to understand more about the history of the town and its people, and its role in the Roman north. In recent years the excavations have focused on the north of the town, revealing elements of industry and trade.

During the festival, Dr Rose Ferraby will lead a tour around the village and museum site, exploring the traces of the Roman town. The Tour will last approximately two hours. (Please wear sturdy footwear suitable for walking).

Whilst the tour is free, please book a place online.

You can watch a film about Aldborough Roman Town here: